Why Don't You Dance?

March 22 - April 26, 2025
Opening: 5-8pm March 22, 2025
オープニング: 2025年3月22日 17:00 - 20:00
この度、18, Murataでは、綾野文麿の初個展「Why Don’t You Dance?」を開催いたします。綾野は昨年、Wielsのアーティスト・イン・レジデンスに参加し、ベルギー・ブリュッセルで3ヶ月間の滞在制作を行いました。彼は滞在中、毎日開かれる蚤の市を度々訪れ、かねてより関心を持っていた写真を用いた作品制作の一環として、多くのファウンド・フォトを収集しました。
18, Murata proudly presents Why Don’t You Dance?, the debut solo exhibition by Fumimaro Ayano.
This marks Ayano’s first-ever solo exhibition. Last year, he participated in the artist-in-residence program at Wiels in Brussels, Belgium, where he spent three months developing new works. During his stay, he frequently visited the daily flea markets, collecting a vast number of found photographs as part of his ongoing exploration of photography-based artistic practices.
Among these, he was particularly drawn to photographs from what appears to be furniture exhibitions from the 1990s, as well as catalogs featuring diagrams illustrating how different pieces of furniture could be combined according to buyers’ preferences. These materials connect two key aspects of Ayano’s artistic practice: his personal fascination with furniture, and his conceptual investigation into how objects and actions lose their original context, turning into transient, decontextualized images.
Ayano classifies and arranges the found photographs through a typological approach, while simultaneously challenging conventional modes of photographic display. Through these explorations, he critically examines the role and meaning of photography as a recurrent reference in art history, as well as the act of artistic expression itself.
This exhibition presents these inquiries through sculptural installations referencing furniture and two-dimensional works composed of multiple found photographs, constructing a unique exhibition space. We invite you to immerse yourself in Ayano’s evocative exploration of materiality, representation, and spatial composition.
A catalog will be released in conjunction with this exhibition.
Available for purchase at the gallery or for pre-order online.
1992年福岡県生まれ。イギリスと日本を行き来しながら育つ。現在は東京を拠点に活動。2023年東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科グローバルアートプラクティス専攻修了。作品はインスタレーションからパフォーマンスに渡り、写真や彫刻、絵画の要素を取り入れ制作を行なう。主な展覧会に「Same as the street」LAVENDER OPENER CHAIR(東京 / 2024)、「motivated bodies」駒込倉庫 (東京 / 2024)、「エンジェル・ピン・ブギ」アートかビーフンか白厨 (東京 / 2023)、「月出アートキャンプ2022」月出工舎 (千葉 2022)、「室内写真-Camera simulacra-」文華連邦・あをば荘 (東京 / 2020)など。
Fumimaro Ayano
Born in 1992 in Fukuoka. Grew up between the UK and Japan. Currently Lives and works in Tokyo. Graduated with an MA in Global Art Practice from Graduate School of Fine Art, Tokyo University of the Arts in 2023.
Works span from installation to performance using aspects of photography, sculpture and painting. Recent exhibitions include “Same as the street” LAVENDER OPENER CHAIR (Tokyo / 2024), “motivated bodies” Komagome SOKO (Tokyo / 2024), “Angel Pin Boogie” Paichu (Tokyo / 2023), “Tsukide Art Camp 2022,” Ars Tsukide (Chiba / 2022), “Camera simulacra” Bunka Union and Awobaso (Tokyo / 2020).